Perbandingan Prediktor Kesehatan Fisik dan Psikis Kepala Sekolah Berdasarkan Jenjang Sekolah

Margaretha Sih Setija Utami, Lucia Hernawati, Haryo Goeritno, Yesika Mayang



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kesehatan fisik dan psikis kepala sekolah, dan membandingkan prediktor kesehatan kepala sekolah (sosio-demografi, situasi kerja, informasi kesehatan, promosi kesehatan, persepsi terhadap pentingnya kesehatan guru dan murid) berdasarkan jenjang sekolah. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 234 kepala sekolah. Pengambilan data menggunakan skala Dadaczynski dkk. (2021). Analisis data dengan menggunakan 1) ANAVA untuk membandingkan kesehatan kepala sekolah pada berbagai jenjang sekolah, 2) Split data dan regresi untuk melihat prediktor kesehatan kepala sekolah pada berbagai jenjang sekolah. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan kelemahan/kecacatan kepala sekolah pada sekolah lain-lain berbeda dari kepala SD, SMP, dan SMA/SMK, serta terdapat perbedaan prediktor kesehatan kepala sekolah pada berbagai jenjang sekolah. Kesimpulannya, perbedaan hasil penelitian ini dengan penelitian sebelumnya kemungkinan disebabkan banyaknya sub bagian pada variabel yang diteliti.

Kata Kunci: Prediktor, kesehatan kepala sekolah, jenjang sekolah



The purposes of this study were to study the differences of the physical and psychological health of principals and to compare their predictors (socio-demographies, work situation, health information, health promotion, perception of the importance of teacher and student health) by types of schools. The participants of this study were 234 principals. Data collection used a batterey scale from Dadaczynski et al (2021). Data was analyzed used 1) ANOVA to compare the health of principals in various types of schools, 2) Split data and Regression Analysis to see the effect of the predictors on the health of principals among various schools. The results showed that the weaknesses/disability of principals in other schools were different from those of the principals of Elementary Schools, Junior High Schools, and Senior High Schools/ Vocational Schools, and there were different predictors of principals’ health in various types of schools. The conclusion is differences between the results of this study compared to those of other studies was probably due to the large number of sub-sections on the variables studied.

Keywords: Predictors, principal's health, school level


predictors; principal's health; school level


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