Petra Alfelisanto, Y.B Dwi Setianto


Maintaining a healthy body is the duty of each of us, both young and old. To maintain a healthy body can be done in various ways such as exercise and eating healthy foods. Health according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is perfect health, physically fit, free from disease and disability, and spiritually and socially healthy. A person's health can be determined through many factors. To find out whether the health intensity has been reached, an indicator of pulse rate and body temperature that is healthy and in accordance with normal human standards can be used. To know a person's health, one can measure the pulse in certain parts such as the wrist, but this is not necessarily effective and accurate. So body temperature is a vital condition that must be monitored to avoid hypothermia and hyperthermia. The health monitoring system is a system designed to determine the user's health condition by measuring the pulse and body temperature which is then used as a decision-making parameter by applying fuzzy algorithm using the internet of things (IOT). Fuzzy algorithm is used for decision making from a logic that has a fuzzy value between true or false. The author uses 2 input sensors, namely MLX90614 (temperature) and pulse sensor as parameters for determining health. The HC-SR04 sensor (distance) is used to turn on the 5volt pump which functions as an automatic hand sanitizer. The 16x2 LCD functions to display the output, namely Healthy, Unhealthy, Sick. The TTV standard is used as a reference for membership limits.


IOT; MLX90614; pulse sensor; HC-SR04; LCD; fuzzy algorithm

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