Albertus Aldy Winarto, Rosita Herawati


Software testing that still uses the manual method is the main obstacle in this project, because using the manual method of testing that is carried out is less specific and may also be inaccurate. Manual testing is done by looking at existing concepts and implementing them in accordance with the sequence of concepts. This manual test is carried out during system testing and finds errors, then will make notes about these errors to be given to the ESD team for further improvement and is arguably less specific because the tests carried out in the Package Program section of the Package Department are quite numerous and complex with functions and logic that runs on the program. Software testing has many methods and techniques that can be used to support the tests carried out so that the results received are also more specific and accurate. In this test the author uses the Black Box Testing method with the Equivalence Partitioning technique. The Black Box Testing method was chosen because this method is a method of testing the functionality of a system without looking at the program code. Then the Equivalence Partitioning technique here is used to create a test case design to support testing based on the concepts that exist in the system. Testing with these methods and techniques was carried out 5 times to ensure the current system was running according to the concept or not and also every function and logic was running as expected or not. The expected results using the Black Box Testing method with this Equivalence Partitioning technique so that the tests carried out are more specific and can also be forwarded to the next test. The test success rate on this system is 94% by testing 50 test cases and 46 of them have the expected results. The Black Box Testing method with the Equivalence Partitioning technique is also in accordance with the needs in system testing which only tests system functionality without looking at the program code


Manual; Black Box Testing; Equivalence Partitioning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/proxies.v3i2.12426

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