Ana Maya Jayanti Sutikno


Research on empowerment has been done previously by Thomas and Velthouse's
(1990), followed by Spreitzer and developed back by Drake, Wong, and Salter (2007).
Research conducted has the aim to determine whether there is causal relationship
between feedback, reward and risk preferences with the empowerment that is divided
in three dimension are impact, competence, and self-determination. Participants in
this study were students of Unika Soegijapranata, Semarang conditioned as an
employee with a random sampling. Data analysis techniques used were ANOVA and
Partial Least Square (PLS). The result can be seen that participants with feedback
condition had an influence on empowerment, empowerment dimensions, while the
impact and effect on the motivation and competence motivation has an influence on
performance. The conclusion from this study of performance-based reward and risk
preferences have no effect on empowerment, and competence dimensions of
empowerment that has no effect on motivation.


feedback, reward, risk preferences, empowerment, impact, competence, self determination, motivation, performance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/jab.v11i21.430

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