Mirabella Dewi Setiawan


The lack of fire department makes it hard for most people to contact where the nearest fire department to the scene. Furethermore, when the fire department location was founded it is still a challenge for the fire fighters to find exact location of the fire. For this reason, we used sensitive sensors of fire to the flame. The project used arduino uno microcontrollers, fire sensors, Neo-7m Ublox GPS, ESP8266, and wavecom. As soon as the flame sensor detects the flame, ESP8266 will send the gps data from the home location to the web server www.thingspeak.com which then data from thingspeak is taken to do the nearest distance search using the method of Haversine Formula then send the sms using wavecom sms gammu gameway to the firefighter the nearest fire. The final result of this project shows that the flame sensor can detect a flame of about 75 cm, the GPS accuracy level approaches 100%, ESP8266 can transmit data to Thingspeak by about 20 seconds, accuracy method of accurate formula accuracy calculates Distance near 100% SMS Gateway Wavecom sends sms less than 10 seconds.


GPS, SMS Gateway, ESP8266, Fire Sensor, Internet of Things

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/proxies.v2i2.3213

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