Lim, Alexandre N Pratama, Hironimus Leong


Hate speech in social media nowadays is a common thing to happen. Inspired by the issue, this research utilize data mining algorithm and methods to predict and classify it. By using dataset from twitter, this research will focus to define Hate Speech. Before beginning to use the algorithm, firstly the dataset needs to be cleaned, after that the data will be converted tu numeric values by using TF-IDF. With N-Gram, the final results will be more stable in terms of accuracy. After the preprocessing is done, then the K-Means Algorithm is used. The final results of the research is that by using Tri-Gram, accuracy is better than Bi-Gram and Uni-Gram with highest reach of 80% efficiency. 


K-Means; Clustering; TF-IDF; N-Gram; Hate Speech

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/proxies.v3i2.12430

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