Gilbert Alfoin, Rosita Herawati Rosita Herawati


Stocks are one of the favorite investment methods of Indonesian people. This is because stocks are "high risk high return" investments. That is an investment that provides high returns even though it has a high risk as well. To find a good stock, we can do technical analysis. But doing technical analysis is not easy because it takes time and enough experience to be able to do the right technical analysis. To overcome difficulties in conducting technical analysis. An appropriate algorithm is needed to predict stock prices. And a program that can work automatically in running the algorithm. So that's why I created a program that can run Weighted Moving Average and Prophet automatically. Later these two algorithms will be compared for their accuracy in predicting stock prices. The final result of this study is the performance of the Weighted Moving Average and Prophet in predicting stock prices. With this research, readers can understand how the Weighted Moving Average and Prophet work. And it is easier to predict stock prices because it can be done automatically.


stock; wma; prophet

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