Amelia Ikayanti


This research focuses on the factors - factors that affect organizational learning and
new product development speed. This research seeks to examine whether the
communication frequency, bi-directional communication, and communication quality
can affect the organizational learning through functional conflict, and to examine
whether the organizational learning can affect the new product development speed. In
addition, this study also intends to seek the support of empirical evidence on the effect
of communication frequency of functional conflict. Based on the analysis of the
respondents (new product development team members who have been involved in the
new product development process), the communication frequency, bi-directional
communication, and communication quality can improve functional conflict. The
increased of functional conflict will then improve organizational learning. Then
ultimately, the increased of organizational learning will increase the new product
development speed.


communication frequency, bi-directional communication, communication quality, functional conflict, organizational learning, and new product development speed.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/jab.v12i23.426

Print ISSN : 1412-775X | online ISSN : 2541-5204 JAB Stats