Yosep Bambang Margono Slamet


Abstract: This paper is a course design on Indonesian shadow puppet to promote Indonesian culture to international students as a way of building a cultural bridge to create global citizens. In todays world, it is of paramount importance for every individual from diverse cultural, linguistic, and ethnic backgrounds to understand each other and work together. Creating this course is to introduce and promote an aspect Indonesian culture so that international students are more interested in and knowledgeable of Indonesian people and culture in general. Even though students only learn an aspect of Indonesian culture it is expected that they will be able to explore Indonesian culture in a broad sense.


Indonesian culture, cultural bridge, global citizens

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The Videos

?Anomans victory? by Matthew Isaac Cohen, watch?v=4DBb5g-9B9A

?Antareja Rangsang? (?Antareja rebels?) by Ki Hadi Sugito,

Balinese puppets (Video: ?Balinese shadow puppet Part I,? http://www.

?Brontoyuda Jayabinangun? (?The Baratayuda War?), http://www.

Cambodian shadow puppet play, ?Sbek Thom, Khmer Shadow Theatre,?

?Cangikan wayang kulit Ki Joko Edan, Gogon & Diqin? (?Cangikan by The Crazy Joko, Gogon & Diqin?) v=YivCRSVwCIA

?Clowns from a wayang performance,? 1uWzNRzaKcQ&feature=related

?Empat wayang Ki Enthus & Thukul Arwana? (?Ki Enthuss four puppets & Thukul Arwana?), &feature=related

?Goro-goro (?Clown servant scene?), g7xIon7v5WY

?Indonesia: The ultimate in diversity?, v=tpdF7mH36mM

Indonesian shadow puppet play, ?Wayang kulit: shadow theatre in Java Part 1,? related

?Indonesian shadow puppet show,? PoRu2bw&NR=1

Javanese puppets (Video: ?Javanese shadow puppets: Wayang kulit Jawa, Mahabharata Scene,? L9c&playnext=1&list=PL57FD32D28EC50317&index=56

?Ki Enthus goro-goro dalang edan,? (?Goro-goro by Ki Enthus, the crazy puppeteer) http://www.

?Ki Enthus Topeng Monyet & Thukul Arwana? (?Mask of Ape by Ki Enthus & Thukul Arwana?), WQo&feature=related

?Ki Purbo Asmoro, Brubuh Alengka? (?The fall of Alengka),? http://www. watch?v=LJP4Lu_aO8c&feature=related

?Mahabharata scene: Arjuna slays a giant,? watch?v=Of7ViIM9Wwc

Malaysian shadow puppet play, ?Wayang kulit Saupi,? http://www watch?v=KM1du_obkp8&feature=related

?Pada sebuah ranjang by Sujiwo Tejo? (?In bed by Sujiwo Tejo?)

?Ramayana shadow puppet,? seQ&feature=related

?Sarpakenaka? (From The Abuction of Sinta) by Matthew Isaac Cohen, http://www.

?Slamet Gundono dan komunitas wayang suket, 1? (?Slamet Gundono and the community of grass puppets, 1?) /watch?v=Zu6t1JqU-WI

?Some demons from a wayang performance,? watch?v=PbKfwo951_w&feature=related

Sundanese puppets (Video: ?Wayang Golek, puppeteers of West Java Part I,? http://www.

Thai shadow puppet play, ?University of Michigan Thai night 2008: Shadow puppet,? ZJ-o

?The fall of Alengka? by Matthew Isaac Cohen, com/watch?v=Qx6Nb6orcHA

?The Magical Lake? by Matthew Isaac Cohen, watch?v=JVUvUiLItdg&NR=1

?The tournament? by Matthew Isaac Cohen, com/watch?v=-Sh8zsZxeG4 The Year of Living Dangerously. (1982). Director P. Weir; screenplay by C. J. Koch, P. Weir, D. Williamson. MGM/United Artists.

?Wayang kulit - Bu Harni (Mrs. Harni) Man vs. Horse, Man vs. Bike,? 1& list=PL8DFB9F6024499 A77

?Wayang kulit ?goro-goro Ki Anom Suroto? (?Clown servant scene? by Ki Anom Suroto) Lak

?Wayang kulit goro-goro Ki Anom Suroto? (?Clown scene by Ki Anom Suroto?), +ki+anom+suroto&aq=0

(Note to the videos: There are eleven parts of this video. To watch them all, just click the videos one after another).

?Wayang performance of Ciptoning,? ?v=SiThcOwbP_0

?Wayang kulit: Purbo Asmoro (Profile in English),? http://www. v=brT6A7lCz1c&NR=1

?Wayang kulit: Shadow theatre in Java. Part 2,? watch?v=C9 oa0G6TcOc&feature=related

?Wayang kulit: Shadow theatre in Java. Part 3,? watch?v=--r0mYTjdlc&feature=related


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